5 Reasons Dog Wheels Can Affect Your Dog

Many pets have become paralyzed due to accidents or have developed arthritis due to old age. Like many friends of the writer of this article, there are many dog owners who are not aware of dog prosthetics like dog wheels that can help your dog move around again on its own.

It was not even a year ago when my pet dog spotty’s life turned upside down. An accident just across the road from our home trying to chase down a cat had left him crippled.
How much I must have cursed the poor soul for having put himself and me in such a situation. For days, Scooby would sit in a corner and sulk and I felt so helpless looking at his immobility. While switching channels one evening, I happened to come across this commercial on television that endorsed dog wheels. Until then, I was not aware of the existence of such a contraption.

After noting down the address and contact details of the manufacturer, I immediately contacted my dog’s vet to get more details about dog wheels, its usefulness and affordability. The amount of information I gathered was unbelievable and I was wondering why someone hadn’t told me about wheelchairs for dogs earlier. For all those helpless souls like me out there who own a dog, this piece of information is going to help you tremendously.

First of all, if you think your dog’s life is over because of a leg injury or illness or paralysis, start thinking again. You very much have hope for your pet. Dog wheels can turn the life of your beloved pet overnight and can restore his or her mobility once again. Your dog can definitely improve its quality of life by using a wheelchair. There are a number of websites that offer valuable information about handicapped pets and the kind of support and resources that are available to alter their lives. In case you have an elderly dog or a crippled dog which has lost its mobility, these sites give you all the advice and data about wheelchairs and their uses.

Besides dog wheels, other products like leg splints, collars and pill dispensers are available to treat your dog’s arthritis related issues. Websites also demonstrate the use of products with the help of videos and photographs. There are different kinds of wheelchairs for different needs. From front wheel carts to rear wheels to four wheeled carts, the market caters to all kinds, including accessories like harness, counterbalances, etc. It is just a matter of finding out the exact needs of your dog after assessing its condition.

Try not to rush into anything when you are desperate for dog wheels. Seek guidance and advice from people who have been through it before buying a wheelchair for your dog.
There is plenty of information on the Internet about dog wheels and other prosthetic that can help an injured or old dog regain some of its lost dignity and liveliness. You can find out about the various options you have or talk to your vet and see what he or she advises you to buy.

Proof That Walkin wheels Really Works

The Walkin Wheels wheelchair allows your dog to regain her former level of mobility. The increased mobility is also beneficial for dogs suffering from a range of conditions since it can reduce the severity of some of their symptoms, and thereby decrease the amount of medication needed, or the frequency that it needs to be given.

Unlike the mobility aids of the past, which were custom build for each pet at the request of the owner, the Walkin Wheels device can easily be purchased from your local veterinarian or pet professional. You can also get one by visiting an animal rehabilitation facility in your area or ordering online. For dogs ranging from 20 to 200 pounds, the owner only needs to provide the dog’s standing height, from the ground to the fold at the rear leg. The measurement doesn’t have to be perfect, as the wheelchair is slightly adjustable; the main purpose is to determine the type and size of wheels the chair will need to accommodate your pet. Unlike the mobility aids of the past, which were custom build for each pet at thewalkin-wheels request of the owner, the Walkin Wheels device can easily be purchased from your local veterinarian or pet professional. For dogs ranging from 20 to 200 pounds, the owner only needs to provide the dog’s standing height, from the ground to the fold at the rear leg.

Wheelchairs are also available for dogs that weigh less than 20 pounds; however, these must be custom ordered and require a few more measurements to ensure that they are a proper fit. With the exception of specialized orders, all Walkin’ Wheels wheelchairs are available for next day shipping or the devices can be rented for up to 45 days. The wheels arrive already assembled, and can easily adjusted to fit most dogs within the weight range. A tote bag and instruction manual are also included with the wheelchair.

For dogs ranging from 20 to 200 pounds, the owner only needs to provide the dog’s standing height, from the ground to the fold at the rear leg.

In the past, the owners of dogs that developed these or other mobility-related conditions faced two equally heartbreaking choices: try to locate some form of canine mobility assistance device, or have the animal put to sleep. Now, aging dogs are regaining their freedom due to a new mobility assistance device called Walkin’ Wheels.

Dog Wheelchairs to help Small and Large Dogs

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See The Best Dog Wheelchair On The Planet Here

Should you get your dog a wheelchair because his legs no longer work? If your dog is happy, why not! If your dog still has that sparkle in his eyes even though his legs do not work, he may be an excellent candidate for a doggy wheelchair.

Dogs with missing limbs, weak or non-working limbs and even incontinent dogs have lived full, enriched lives thanks to the wide variety of mobility products available these days. The time to get the dog wheelchair is before the dog is totally immobile. It is a lot easier to measure and fit a dog that can still stand, even a little, than a dog that is completely down.

Whether the limbs that are affected are front or back legs, there are dog wheelchairs available. Dog wheelchairs (also called carts) are mainly of two kinds. There are custom carts – fitted like a prosthesis for the specific dog or adjustable carts that can be fine-tuned for dogs of similar size and weight.

A custom cart is an excellent choice if your dog is a young dog that will get years of use from the cart. Custom carts are made specifically for males or females and are often a better choice for an incontinent dog. Also, hard to fit dogs would also benefit from a

A custom cart is an excellent choice if your dog is a young dog that will get years of use from the cart. Custom carts are made specifically for males or females and are often a better choice for an incontinent dog. Also, hard-to-fit dogs would also benefit from a custom-built cart. Dogs that are extra long, deep-chested, or unusually built can be more comfortable in a custom cart because it is made to their exact measurements. These carts will be more expensive but are well made and features can be incorporated to fit the specific disability.

Adjustable carts are a better choice for dogs of a general breed type because they can be fit by approximate size, then more finely adjusted to fit the individual dog. These are nice for older or sick dogs that may not get a long period of use from them. They are easier to resell or donate. Also, purveyors of custom carts might be a distance from your home and long trips for fittings can stress an already compromised dog. These carts are also of good quality and may come with many of the standard amenities of the custom cart, but if you have an unusual need, it probably can’t be accommodated.

Many carts allow you to add features as your dog’s disability progresses. It pays to find out if these are included with the cart or must be purchased separately. Make a checklist of the features your dog needs now and may need in the future before you begin shopping.

Detachable Saddle – This is wonderful in that you can put it on a dog that can’t get up, and it acts as a sling to help with lifting him into the cart. There are many ways of attaching the saddle and you will want something that is easy to maneuver and connect.

Adjustable length and width – Usually this is only a feature of adjustable carts since it is not needed in a custom cart. Each cart has different types of adjustments so you will want to determine which measurements are most important for your dog. While a custom cart may require hundreds of measurements, adjustable carts just need a few when ordered.

Booties – Often disabled dogs will drag their feet and a cart with the option of booties or some way of keeping feet from dragging is a real plus. Without this feature, some dogs will rub their feet raw and this can be particularly bad if the dog has poor circulation or no feeling in the feet.

4-wheel carts – Some carts come with, or allow you to later add a front mechanism that allows support of the entire dog. With some disabilities, a dog may eventually lose the use of all 4 legs and this cart allows them to still be somewhat mobile and be pushed on walks.

Counterbalanced carts – The more expensive carts use a counterbalance system that takes the pressure off the front shoulders. This is helpful for dogs with weak fronts, and can also prevent damage from over-extended muscles. However, it is sometimes good to have a moderate amount of weight on the shoulders so that the dog builds and keeps the strength in his front assembly. There is a fine line regarding how much counterbalancing is correct, so a custom-fitted cart makes sure you receive the correct amount of counterbalance for the disability because it is fitted by someone experienced in fitting disabled dogs.

Wheels – A wider or angled wheelbase is more stable and less likely to tip. Narrow tires are fine for walks on a sidewalk, but if your dog is going off-road on nature trails and playgrounds, you will need a tire that is good for the terrain he is likely to encounter. Custom carts and some adjustable carts have optional tire choices based on your needs.

Last, of all, ease of use is the most important factor in choosing a dog wheelchair. You won’t use it if it’s not easy to get the dog in and out, or if he can not urinate or defecate when using the cart. Many disabled dogs become incontinent so being able to use the cart for potty outside is an important feature. Also consider the weight of the dog and your ability to lift him. This is not so much a problem with small dogs, but larger dogs can be difficult to lift (because the legs can be dead weight) so any feature added to the cart that makes getting him in and out of it easier is a huge plus!

A dog that is disabled can lead a full, happy life with an owner that cares and wants the best for him. A cart gives him the mobility he needs to play, enjoy walks, smell the flowers, and just be a dog.

The Amazing Dog wheelchair


Check out this Walkin’ Wheels for Handicapped Pets product

Keywords:Description:  Support Dogs that can’t walk, have weak hind legs, or tire easily use our Rear Wheel Dog Wheelchairs to get the exercise they need to live a happy, healthy, active life.adjustable The only dog wheelchair that features push button adjustability in height, length and width!rear support

In this article, we are going to uncover the benefits of using dog wheels to maintain and improve your dog’s quality of life.

Dog wheel chair product

The dog wheelchair is designed to help paralyzed dogs or pets with a number of health conditions that could disable the dog from being able to walk.
the wheelchair is also great for pets recovering from illnesses that affect their mobility.

The dog wheels product can make your paralyzed dogs live happy, fruitful lives again. Same as humans, they only need understanding during the first few weeks when they are trying to be familiar with the dog wheelchair. Same as us, there are times they may grow weary or irritable at times.

Who wouldn’t be when you are trying all your might to make use of a foreign object as part of your body that was initially functioning to its optimum capacity? So it is all about complete understanding and patience. And you will realize sooner that because of your fortitude and your dog’s determination, mobility will never be a concern again.

Wheelchair for dogs

A quality and sturdy dog wheelchair is made up of a strong metal frame, a soft, comfortable harness, and wheels.

Remember that most dog wheelchairs are customized to suit the exact needs of any dog. And there are a number of companies out there like that who has been designing and manufacturing high-end carts for dogs for years now, see: http://dogwheels.net/recommends, and most of the items that they produce are tested by certified veterinary orthopedic surgeons.

So if you are searching for the best dog wheelchair, check on those with patented designs that have been sold for decades, which suggests that people are truly patronizing the said wheelchair proven by its continuous presence in the market.

Must-Have Veterinarian ApprovedProduct Here

Dog wheelchair for sale

Buying your canine friend a dog wheelchair shows that you have a better grasp of how a dog feels and that you are doing everything to help the pet put on more mobility,  joy, and liberty in his life.

You don’t have to go far if only to find the best options for dog wheelchairs and carts for dogs. You have the power right in your fingertips to check online for great options with good deals for these items. So get it online now.

Handicapped pets necessitate a huge sense of responsibility; and it would really be a rewarding experience to see your pet be able to join you once again in your outdoor walks or any other mobile activity, even if in a diminished capacity.

A specially designed wheelchair for dogs can help your best friend run and play again, get the exercise he (or she) needs, and live a happy, healthy life.

10 Questions Answered About Canine Degenerative Myelopathy

A lot of people have questions about dogs with weakness, usually most noticeable in the rear limbs. Why do dogs lose their strength? Many people first assume the cause is hip dysplasia, arthritis or a sore back. The answer is may be “canine Degenerative Myelopathy.”

What is Degenerative Myelopathy? (DM)

Degenerative Myelopathy is an inherited disease of the nervous system in which there is peripheral nerve fiber loss. Degeneration of nerve tissue leads to weakness of the rear limbs.

DM has been compared to Lou Gehrig’s disease and multiple sclerosis in humans. This syndrome is often seen in German Shepherds, Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh corgis, standard Poodles, Collies, Boxers and several other purebred lines. Of course, it also occurs in mixed breed dogs.

What Causes DM?

In traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, canine degenerative Myelopathy may be diagnosed as Wei syndrome. Wei syndrome is the term used for generalized weakness or wasting. An alternate TCVM diagnosis is phlegm obstruction of the Dai Mai channel.

The Dai Mai is a sort of energy pathway that runs around the waist and energetically connects the upper and lower halves of the body. “Phlegm” may clog the Dai Mai and keep the energy trapped in the upper part of the body.

The result, and what is seen by humans, is rear limb weakness in the affected dog.Symptoms are usually seen in dogs aged 8 years and older. Early signs include difficulty jumping, weakness in rear legs, stumbling, “crossing-over” of rear feet, and abrasions on the feet from scuffing.

Degenerative Myelopathy is not known to cause pain, so most dogs don’t seem distressed initially. In the early stages, DM may be difficult to differentiate from osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease (slipped disc in the spine). Other causes of similar symptoms are inflammatory disease including bacterial and fungal infection (Valley Fever). Cancer can also affect the spinal cord and cause identical symptoms.

How is DM Diagnosed?

A diagnosis of DM is based on clinical symptoms, blood testing, radiographs (x-rays) to look for evidence of slipped disc, cancer or infection, electromyogram (testing muscle impulses), spinal taps and CT/MRI may be used in some cases. There are genetic tests available through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.

The tests may be ordered by anyone for a nominal fee and only require you to collect a saliva sample from the dog with a swab. The genetic test will tell you whether the dog is “clear,” a “carrier,” or “at risk” for DM. The test may be run on symptomatic or asymptomatic dogs.

Good reasons to do genetic testing are to:

Have a better idea of what to expect with a symptomatic dog Rule out DM in a symptomatic dog so that other diagnoses can be pursued Avoid breeding dogs who are carriers or at risk for developing DM.

There are no proven effective treatments for DM at this time. A regimen of nutritional supplements, special diet, exercise, and various alternative therapies (acupuncture, cold laser, physical therapy, homeopathy) may slow the progression of the disease.

Dr. Roger Clemmons, a veterinary neurologist at University of Florida, has an interesting web site with his recommendations for treating DM.

The long-term prognosis is considered poor, with most dogs losing the ability to walk within 6-12 months of diagnosis.

Difficulty with elimination of urine and feces often is a major consideration in caring for dogs with DM.

The Answers to Help Dog’s in Need of Assistance

Many suppliers of assistance devices offer equipment that allows dogs to get around with minimal assistance (dog wheelchairs). There is even a web site listing dog wheelchairs available for purchase.

If you have a dog with DM, you need to consider whether you will be able to provide the nursing care to keep him/her clean and comfortable. This may require several hours a day, frequent rechecks with the veterinarian, lifting the animal, cleaning excrement from the fur, and keeping them safe from danger.

It can be done, but many people are not prepared or are unable to make these lifestyle sacrifices to care for dogs with end-stage DM. If you’re seeing symptoms that might be DM, have your veterinarian examine your dog and discuss the next steps in making a diagnosis. Knowledge is power and peace of mind.

Large Dog Wheelchair for A Life-style After Spinal Injury

Click Here to Help to make your dog happy again

Whenever you think of wheelchairs, the first thing that comes in mind is the ones used by people who are paralyzed or unable in a way to move around using their legs. However, the present times have seen the use of dog wheelchairs to aid paralyzed dogs in mobility. A lot of factors could be the cause for this situation including disease, accidents or old age which results in paralysis thus limiting the dog’s movements.

Paralyzed dogs, more than anything else, suffer more from this limitation given the nature of the dogs moving around. Being condemned to stay at one point or suffer immense pain at the effort of moving around is an unfair punishment to paralyzed dogs.

A lot of factors could be the cause for this situation including disease, accidents or old age which results in paralysis thus limiting the dog’s movements. Paralyzed dogs, more than anything else, suffer more from this limitation given the nature of the dogs moving around. Being condemned to stay at one point or suffer immense pain at the effort of moving around is an unfair punishment to paralyzed dogs.

Being condemned to stay at one point or suffer immense pain at the effort of moving around is an unfair punishment to paralyzed dogs.

A lot of factors could be the cause for this situation including disease, accidents or old age which results in paralysis thus limiting the dog’s movements. Paralyzed dogs, more than anything else, suffer more from this limitation given the nature of the dogs moving around.

Paralyzed dogs, more than anything else, suffer more from this limitation given the nature of the dogs moving around. Being condemned to stay at one point or suffer immense pain at the effort of moving around is an unfair punishment to paralyzed dogs.

However, thanks to dog walkin wheels dog wheelchairs, any dog owner in such a predicament can now have hope. You do not have to sit and look at your poor dog as it wastes away. This is because dog wheelchairs give the dogs a new lease on life. They enable them

You do not have to sit and look at your poor dog as it wastes away. This is because dog wheelchairs give the dogs a new lease on life. They enable them become independent in terms of movement and it has been proven that indeed, aside from giving paralyzed dogs ability to move around, they help the dog in a speedy recovery from an accident or ailments by promoting exercise and preserving the good nature of your dog.

Dog carts come in many designs and specifications thus enabling you to find one that suits your dog in this hard time. All you need to do is get the right design and life can get as close to normal as it was before the paralysis.

Another reason you will need to get dog wheelchairs is because, paralyzed dogs mostly due to inhibited mobility develop and worsen their diseases. This is especially. if the reason for the condition was an injury.

It will create undue pressure to the remaining limbs and also lead to muscle atrophy where the muscles waste out. This either slows down the healing process or might result in permanent paralysis even if the paralyzed dogs had a chance of recovery. This is a situation any dog owner would avoid being in. It is also important that one realizes that dogs and any other pets have feelings like human beings do. As such they also suffer from trauma.

For paralyzed dogs, being unable to move around as usual while seeing other dogs do so is enough trauma and this kills the dogs’ spirit and limits chances of recovery. Therefore getting dog wheelchairs is very beneficial to the health of a paralyzed dog.

The other reason you should consider the dog carts is also for your own freedom and opportunity to do other activities knowing that your dog is not sulking in a corner. With a large dog wheelchair, you can continue with your daily routine without having to carry your pet with you as he or she will be moving independently. If you are used to a morning jog with your dog, do not let the situation deny you the company, get a dog wheelchair and keep up the fun.

There are various kinds of dog wheelchairs. Just as are there a variety of issues that might cause a pet to lose the use of its hands or legs, there are also different ways to address them. Determining our pet’s ailment will point to the appropriate course of action.

There is surgery, medications, treatment, the application of flexibility aids, and the assorted blend of the above mentioned. It will likewise inform us exactly what kind of dog wheelchair will certainly suit our pet’s needs the best rear, front side, or maybe full support which in some cases might appear obvious, but in reality, requires a specialist assessment.

You can certainly plop your pet, belly down on a contraption of PVC pipes with a droopy cloth at the center and four wheels, as many of the search results pictures turned up, however you will never know if that’s encouraging or hurting your pet’s health.

This is not to say there aren’t great do-it-yourself design and style ideas out there that can suit your pet’s needs. To the contrary, there are good individuals enough out there sharing tips; it’s only a matter of discovering it and executing the program accurately. Keep your veterinarian in the loop. For all you know, he / she might be able to point you in the proper

Click Here to Help to make your dog happy again

Dog Chair for Dogs – An effective Mobility solution for Dogs

Conditions in which the Dog wheelchairs are a must


Our dog can usually benefit from a wheelchair which will take the bodyweight off our dog’s legs and backside following surgery. We can provide our dog the physical exercise it requires to protect against diminished muscle tone that could trigger complications while our dog cures.


The more mature dog with arthritis or initial phases of degenerative disorder could be supported by using a wheelchair.

3-Legged Dog

A dog with 3 legs can figure out how to function virtually 100% without having his 4th leg. We can assist caring for the dog’s other legs whenever we place the disabled 3 legged dog in the wheelchair when he may get tired or if one of his / her 3 legs is seriously injured.


We can provide a paralyzed dog the ability to move with a wheelchair for dogs provided that the dog’s front legs are sufficiently strong to drag a wheelchair with a backside wheel to back up the dog’s paralyzed back legs.
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Factors to consider while choosing dog chair for Dogs

1. There are competent professionals who develop and personalize wheelchair devices for the dogs, depending on the pet’s health, size, body weight, and actual physical ability.

2. To find experts who create dog wheelchairs, it’s much better to contact our veterinarian, veterinarian schools that are university sponsored, reliable dog breeders or pet shelter directors.

3. Constantly check out referrals and seek advice from a veterinarian before continuing to move forward on purchasing mobility equipment for our pet.

4. Once we’ve chosen our wheelchair service provider, we should look for advice regarding how to assist our dog in making use of his or her new wheelchair. Additionally, talking with our veterinarian about suggested training strategies to help our dog utilize his or her new wheels to move around.

Types of Dog wheelchairs

Front Support Dog Wheelchairs

Front support wheelchairs are for pet dogs which have completely functional rear legs but restricted use or no usage of their front limbs. Front aid mobility chairs routinely have 4 to 6 wheels perfectly located at the front.

Rear Support Dog Wheelchairs

Rear support dog chairs, which have two wheels that assist the rear legs, are intended for dogs with hind leg impairment.

Quad Wheelchairs

Quad wheelchairs are for dogs that need much more support than whatever regular wheelchairs offer. Quad wheelchairs help both the front and rear limbs. They’re designed for dogs which have front and hind leg impairment and stability problems along with dogs that need rehab after cervical disc injuries or surgical treatment.

Saddle Support

This has dog’s legs proceed through rings that hold the dog on a saddle seat.

Limitations with Dog Wheelchairs

Regular Practice

The dog might take several days or weeks to master the best way to move around in the dog wheelchair. We might need to make use of treats and be gentle when we cajole with our dog to simply walk or run with his new dog chair.

Moving Direction

Our dog may go backward in the wheelchair particularly when he attempts to sit down.


The dog might need modifications to suit perfectly into his new dog chair but not get pinched in delicate spots like his genitals.

Using the first time

We need to keep our dog within a limited space to keep him risk-free so, that he doesn’t get frightened trying to run or slip down a flight of steps with his wheelchair.

Dog wheelchairs serve as a feasible and worthwhile mobility remedy for pet dogs that are suffering from health issues which make it challenging to walk or run or play. Pets of all sizes can adjust using correctly fixed wheelchairs with general ease, letting them get the physical exercise they need to remain happy and healthy.

Common Myths about Dog Wheelchairs

Our dogs will still strive with disabilities, by using walking wheels. Which dog wheelchairs will you choose to enhance your pet’s life?

See the resources below.

This two-legged dog’s wheels are cooler than yours!

A Chihuahua puppy named TurboRoo has gone from being abandoned in a veterinarian’s office to having more than 66000 Instagram followers.

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Veterinarian Demonstrates how to put a Walkin’ Wheels Dog Wheelchair on a dog

Watch Dr. James StClaire, DVM and animal rehabilitation specialist as he demonstrates to put on and use the Waslin’ Wheels dog wheelchair for handicapped pets. This cart is fully adjustable,…

See:More walking Wheel Resources Here

Stray dog in need receives wheelchair for paralyzed legs …

http://www.wmur.com/9858834?absolute=true Fri, 10 Apr 2015 18:18:30 -0700

Keebler, an 8-year-old daschund, loves ear scratches and treats, but now what sets him apart, is the way he gets around.

Wheels can be the first step to rehab – Eddie’s Wheels

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:28:00 -0800

IVDD dachshund rehabilitating using a dog wheelchair and physical therapy on a land treadmill.

Ike the dog gets a new set of wheels | DoggyMom.com

http://doggymom.com/ Sat, 21 Mar 2015 15:05:19 -0700

Ike is a 15-year old dog living in California. He’s been diagnosed with bone cancer and so only has a few months to live. His owner, Risa Feldman, wanted to give Ike as much quality of life as possible and the traditional hind …

Rehabilitating quadriparetic dogs in Eddie’s dog wheelchairs

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Fri, 01 Mar 2013 11:10:19 -0800

You might wonder what would possess someone to attempt to rehabilitate a quadriplegic dog. Ten years ago we were faced with this dilemma ourselves: our 1.

Dog in Wheels Hikes and Swims – HandicappedPets.com

http://handicappedpets.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30:bottoms-up-dog-rear-support-leash&catid=12:help-dogs-cats-walk&Itemid=131 Wed, 22 Jul 2009 18:07:11 -0700

Alaskan Golden Retriever Dog Denali goes dog wheelchair hiking with her family for a dip in the lake. Watch as she bounces down the trail — with a little help from her family.

Rehab Success Stories – Eddie’s Wheels

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:42:33 -0800

Nothing gives us more pleasure than hearing from clients whose pets have rehabilitated and no longer need the assistance of a wheelchair. Lately, we have been hearing about a number of dogs for whom a cart was a critical piece of their …

Animal Rehab Professionals Prefer Eddie’s Wheels

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:38:30 -0700

Here at Eddie’s Wheels we love working with animal rehab professionals who understand that a cart can be a valuable therapeutic tool, as well as a way to keep both dog and caregiver happy while a pet rehabs from an injury. When pets have …

Common Myths about Dog Wheelchairs – Eddie’s Wheels

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Sat, 24 Mar 2012 06:19:45 -0700

Here are some common myths about dog wheelchairs that we hear about – from both pet owners and veterinarians – and we’d like to dispel them. Myth #1: Big dogs won’t use carts. Over twenty years ago, when our 80 lb. Doberman became …

How Eddie’s Wheels Can Help Dogs with Degenerative …

http://www.eddieswheels.com/ Tue, 01 Oct 2013 12:22:53 -0700

Eddie’s Wheels has a full complement of mobility aids for dogs with degenerative myelopathy.

Top Five Reasons Why Walkin’ Wheels is the Best Dog …

http://www.handicappedpetscanada.com/ Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:46:22 -0800

Having trouble deciding which doggie wheelchair is the best for your best friend and companion? this video will help make that decision easier….

Dog Training Wheels

Keywords: Description:
CC BY by ifindkarma
CC BY by ifindkarma
wheelchair  lgr-dog
wheelchairs  dog wheels 2

If your dog is physically handicapped or has limited mobility, then dog training wheels can help your dog with this problem. Dog training wheels will make sure that your pet dog is not missing his walks because of its disability. If your dog has been crippled for any reason, you should not worry because there is help available for all types of injured dogs. Your dog will walk again with the help of the canine training wheels. With your dog walking again, you will have peace of mind, which in turn will turn you into a contended owner.

The canine wheel chairs will help your dog in walking naturally. They will also help your dog in becoming mobile again. Your dog can even do different exercises, what that means is that your dog can walk on excursion trips with you again with the help of dog training wheels. There has been an increase in the demand for custom built canine wheel chairs these days. You can see an increased number of dogs moving around on these wheels.

The training wheels have helped dogs in becoming independent again. If your dog has been injured in the rear section of its body then the chances are that the dog may have to drag its rear behind when it walks. A rear wheel chair is suitable for this type of dog. Some animals may not have any physical disability. They may be too weak because of some form of ailment. The dogs may be physically debilitated because of some form of degenerating ailment. In that case the dogs can use the dog training wheels to help them in becoming mobile again.

Canine training wheels can also be used by the dogs who are recovering from some type of medical procedure. These animals have to be kept away from intense exercise. However, they may a need little exercise on regular basis. In this case the carts offer the best type of mobile support for them.

The dog supporting wheels are extremely adjustable. They can be used to adjust the cart in which the dog is resting, without the help of any tools. These carts are very comfortable for dogs, allowing them to move to different places conveniently. Some of the canine training wheels come with a number of s back. It can help the dogs with weaker backs. Your pet’s training wheels can be attached to the dog depending on their weight and size. These accessories support the dog with better movement and easier accessibility.

You can determine if your dog’s training wheels have been fitted properly. That can be found out by analyzing the position in which the dog is standing. If the training wheels have been fitted properly the dog will be able to stand in its natural position without any problems.

Dog Wheels Front Legs

Dog wheels2Dog wheels front legs are a perfect contraption for dogs with mobility problems. Their problems can range from arthritis to amputation. Dogs can also suffer from congenital malfunctions which can make them move with a limp with a malformed leg. They may not be able to maintain a proper posture that is why they might need contraptions for holding the front legs, so that they can use the rear ones to move around to different places.

The dog wheels will not only make your dog mobile they will provide the necessary exercise a dog will need. The front wheels make it easy for them to relieve their front legs, so they can be held in the dog wheelchair. The dog wheels offer dogs the incentive to lead a normal life again. The dog wheels for their front legs can help dog suffering from mobility problems because of surgeries or any other ailment. The wheels definitely provide tremendous improvement to the life of the dog.


The dog wheels can be adjusted on dogs of different sizes. The equipment is flexible and can be adjusted according to the shape of the body. For example, some dogs may have larger backs while others may have smaller rear legs. The equipment provides options for both of these types of dogs. For instance the dog wheel chair can be extended to fit the larger back. For smaller rear legs the wheel chair can provide extended height, so that the dog can walk conveniently.

Most of the dog wheels available in the market are lightweight and foldable. Therefore it is not a problem to travel with them. When the product is fully assembled it can be adjusted on your dog very easily. You can order the product from most online stores. If you have a special requirement then you can mention it with your order. The product can be delivered and customized with the right type of adjustments.

With the dog wheels for the front legs your dog can resume its daily routine. It can play with its friends, sit and sniff easily just like before. The front wheels of the contraption are adjustable. Therefore, changing the height and length of the contraption will not be a problem for the person who is installing it on the dog.

The wheels used for the front legs are designed in such a way in that they provide excellent support to the body of the dog. There is a modifiable strap under the tummy that can be configured according to the body of the dog, so that the dog wheels cannot slip or trip while the dog is moving. These wheels are developed in such a way that you do not need to change them when the dog is growing in size. They can help your dog move easily for a long period of time. Your pet will do not take a very long time to get adjusted to the wheels. They can use them easily after walking with them for only a few days. Your pet will have to use their rear legs to move while the front legs are
positioned securely on the wheel chairs.